Kris E's 3-day old wing shredded
Monday’s forecast sent us to Mt Tamborine, with mixed views on what the day would bring.

It’s a long glide out to bomb-out at Tambo, and we’re told it’s not uncommon to see pilots kicking trees on the way down, so the Task Committee was apprehensive about the wind picking up.

The task was set to 41 Josephville to the south west, then carrying on in the same direction to goal at Maroon.

Due to the concerns about the conditions, Brooke Whatnall was asked to launch prior to the launch being formally open, to give us an indication of what was happening out there. Brooke went up, and reported that winds were light, so the task was ON.

The famous Australian wedge-tailed eagle paid a visit to at least 6 pilots, and she wasn’t there to give us a warm welcome. Kris was the unfortunate winner of the Eagle Class, having a huge chunk of his brand new wing stolen. Now some lucky wedgie has a very colourful nest made of light-weight but durable material, suitable for hike & fly.

Jean Brossard was the sole Kiwi to make goal, and managed to do it with a leg injury sustained when launching during Task 2 (banged his leg against the carbon foot board on the harness). Good work, Jean. It turned into a great day.

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